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Featured Cadet: WO1 Quynh Anh Nghiem

The Air Cadet League is thrilled to feature WO1 Quynh Anh Nghiem, as she concludes a truly amazing cadet career!

WO1 Nghiem joined 800 Black Forest Squadron in September 2018, where she took an enthusiastic approach to participation in the squadron’s variety of teams. Over the years, WO1 Nghiem has been a part of the squadron’s biathlon and swim teams, Drill Teams with and without arms, and has served as Drill Team commander.

At summer training, WO1 Nghiem also performed highly, winning the award for Top General Training Cadet at the Trenton CTC in 2019. Post-pandemic, WO1 Nghiem pursued her glider pilot’s license, which she earned from 2022 to 2023.

Recognizing her high degree of commitment, reliability, and leadership ability, she was appointed to the role of Cadet Chief in 2023, where she has served for the past year and a half. WO1 Nghiem oversees the direct leadership of the squadron’s 10 Warrant Officers and Flight Sergeants in upholding the overall standards and wellbeing of the squadron’s 200 cadets.

WO1 Nghiem has earned a multitude of awards over the course of her career, including the ANAVETS and Lord Strathcona medals, as well as unit awards for top junior cadet, and top cadet overall. Beyond the cadet program, WO1 Nghiem has also earned the Canada Company Youth Excellence Award.

Serving as co-chair of the Regional Cadet Advisory Council from September 2023 to April 2024, and as Chair from April to August 2024, WO1 Nghiem has lent her considerable experience to contributing ideas and feedback for the betterment of the program for cadets across all of Central Region.

WO1 Nghiem’s advice to other cadets is simple: “I like to tell the cadets that this program will reward consistency and effort, and that you will get back what you invest in it. I have the mindset that if something means a lot to you, if it’s important enough to you, then you will make the time for it. No matter how small or big it may be, as long as you are focused and disciplined, you can accomplish anything.”

WO1 Nghiem is currently pursuing full-time studies in McMaster University’s Honours Humanities Program in Justice, Political Philosophy, and Law. The League thanks WO1 Nghiem for her outstanding service to the Canadian Cadet Movement and wishes her all the best in her future endeavors!

Written for 800 Black Forest Squadron by Lt. Judith Ward

The 800 Black Forest Squadron Sponsoring Committee wishes to thank WO1 Nghiem for her dedication, leadership and integrity.   She has set the example of an ideal cadet, and she leaves behind her a squadron of cadets looking to follow her strong lead.

            Tabatha Malone, 800 Black Forest SSC Chair



Good day all,

 Last Saturday, we had the pleasure to announce the 26 Post-Secondary Scholarships Recipients. Most of them attended the virtual ceremony. Many awards were presented by the donors themselves.

 Attached, you have the French and English version of the Press release published on Facebook this morning. Please feel free to distribute it to your squadrons and social media.

 FYI, this week, all recipients will receive a letter explaining the required steps before we transfer their funds to the post-secondary institutions of their choice.

 Warm Regards,

Josée Woodford      

Deputy Executive Director / Directrice générale adjointe

The Air Cadet League of Canada / La Ligue des cadets de l'Air du Canada                         



(613) 729-1941 ext. 2 | Fax: 613-714-6807| Toll Free/ Sans frais: 1-877-422-6359

Congratulations to all participants in this years National Effective Speaking Competition.

We are especially proud of Ontario's Second place winner FSgt Michelle Lu from 283 Woodbridge Squadron.

About The OPC

The Air Cadet League of Canada, Ontario Provincial Committee is a civilian, volunteer-led, not for profit organization sanctioned by the National Air Cadet League of Canada and in partnership with the Department of National Defence, to administer and support the Air Cadet Program across Ontario.     



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L3R 8C5

National Office

The Air Cadet League of Canada



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